Irimia David's
Projects >> Accesibility

Unit2, Module5, Lesson1: Data Table
10 November 2023
19:00 - 19:30

Table - HTML only

Web Accesibility Checklist
User characteristic Accesible design tip
Unable to see Code all images with ALT text
Unable to perceive colors Avoid using color alone to convey information
Unable to use mouse Be sure all website features can be accesible using keyboard
Unable to hear Add captions to multimedia
Prone to having seizures Avoid content that flashes
Easily distactible Keep the design simple
Unit3, Module 4, Lesson2: Apply box model
5 December 2023
07:15 - 07:45

Table - CSS added

Web Accesibility Checklist
User characteristic Accesible design tip
Unable to see Code all images with ALT text
Unable to perceive colors Avoid using color alone to convey information
Unable to use mouse Be sure all website features can be accesible using keyboard
Unable to hear Add captions to multimedia
Prone to having seizures Avoid content that flashes
Easily distactible Keep the design simple